Sunday School
The mission of Sunday School and Discipleship Ministries International (SDMI) is to carry out the Great Commission to children, youth and adults in preparation for a lifetime of Christian Holiness. All classes meet on Sundays unless otherwise indicated.
Facilitator: Watson Swope
Time: 10:00am-10:50am
Location: Main Building, Rooms 27-28
Description: The Seeker's class is an open, interactive class for adults. Emphasis is placed on various topics with a strong scriptural basis for belief. Studies vary from topical discussion to studies of different books of the Bible. This is a mission-minded class which has a record of showing compassion for others through their support of many causes which are brought to their attention. New people quickly integrate into the class due to the friendliness and acceptance by class members.
Grace Connection
Facilitator: Edson Mwinami
Time: 10:00am-10:50am
Location: Main Building, Room 15
Description: This group is an eclectic group of caring, fun and accepting individuals from various countries and age groups. Discussions are based on "Faith Connections". Group members share experiences about their spiritual pilgrimage and exchange suggestions for handling issues related to personal, professional, spiritual, and other aspects of life. The study focus changes each quarter to address various themes throughout the Old and New Testament scriptures.
G.Y.M. (Growing Your Ministry)
Facilitator: Steve Grundy
Time: 10:00am-10:50am
Location: Main Building, Room 16
Description: GYM includes a mix of adult men and women who bring broad cultural perspectives and Biblical insights to an interactive and vibrant style of learning God's word. Discussions and topics include themes of the Bible, parables, contemporary Christian books and study series. Whatever the specific study focus, it is always Bible-based. It's all about studying God's word and discovering how to apply its principles to our lives, and how these truths can help individuals grow spiritually. The name, "Growing Your Ministry (GYM)", comes from the conviction that God wants each of us to minister in His name wherever we are: home, school, workplace, church and we need to grow continually in our ability to do that effectively.
Son's Creation
Facilitator: Eddie Cape
Time: 10:00am-10:50am
Location: Educational Annex, Room 1
Description: This group offers an opportunity to broaden your understanding of the Bible through in-depth verse-by-verse application and interpretative study. Through interactive examination and openness to the Holy Spirit, you are challenged to discover new spiritual revelations that can be applied to life's experiences. The diversity in this group enables deeper spiritual awareness from multiple backgrounds and cultures. Outside the classroom, the Son's Creation cares for the physical and temporal needs of each other and also enjoy fun-filled social events together.