About us
We are a community of faith with the purpose of growing, going and giving to the glory of God and the advancement of His kingdom in this world!
Gracepointe was born in 1926 as Atlanta First Church of the Nazarene. In the 93 years since, the Church has relocated four times, and changed the name from Atlanta First to Gracepointe when God led us to our present 37-acre site in Loganville, Georgia. Gracepointe church is a loving place to experience grace with a culturally diverse congregation. We are committed to helping people come to Christ, grow in His loving grace and provide encouragement for personal service.
Founded in 1908; the Church of the Nazarene is an International Denomination, similar in doctrine to the Methodist movement that began in England during the 1700s under John Wesley. Today the Nazarene church serves in more than 159 world areas, with a global membership of over two million. The Nazarene Church emphasizes being a Christian, Holiness, and Missional People.
Church of the Nazarene Core Values
As Christian People, we are united with all believers in proclaiming the Lordship of Jesus Christ. We believe that in divine love God offers to all people forgiveness of sins and restored relationship. In being reconciled to God, we believe that we are also to be reconciled to one another, loving each other as we have been loved by God and forgiving each other as we have been forgiven by God. We believe that our life together is to exemplify the character of Christ. We look to Scripture as the primary source of spiritual truth confirmed by reason, tradition, and experience.
As Holiness People we believe God, who is holy, calls us to a life of holiness. We believe that the Holy Spirit seeks to do in us a second work of grace including: "entire sanctification" and "baptism with the Holy Spirit," cleansing us from all sin, renewing us in His image, empowering us to love with our whole heart, soul, mind, and strength, and our neighbors as ourselves. Ultimatley manifesting within us the very character of Christ. Holiness in the life of believers is most clearly understood as Christ-likeness.
As Missional People we believe that we are a sent people, responding to the call of Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit to go into all the world witnessing to His Lordship and participating with God in the building of the Church to extend His kingdom (Matthew 28:19-20; 2 Corinthians 6:1). Our mission begins in worship, ministers to the world through evangelism and compassion, encourages believers toward Christian maturity through discipleship, and prepares men and women for Christian service through Christian higher education.
For more information about our beliefs please visit: www.nazarene.org/beliefs
For more information about the Church of the Nazarene go to: www.nazarene.org
The Church of the Nazarene Core Values are direct quotes from the Church of the Nazarene website.